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Tenee Attoh


A veteran of the London, UK, slam and open-mic scene who often includes sign language in his performances, Raymond Antrobus writes of his Jamaican/British identity, his family, and his experience as a person, and a poet, who is d/Deaf. He published his first full-length poetry collection, The Perseverance, in 2018, which Iranian American poet Kaveh Akbar describes as “magic, the way this poet is able to bring together so much—deafness, race, masculinity, a mother’s dementia, a father’s demise—with such dexterity.” Antrobus was one of the first recipients of an MA in spoken-word education from Goldsmiths University, and his work has won or been nominated for some of poetry’s most prestigious awards including the Rathbone Folio Prize, the Ted Hughes Prize, and the Griffin Poetry Prize.

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