Mention de source
Stephen Roney


Stephen Kent Roney was born long ago in roughly the part of Canada Al Purdy calls “the country of defeat”; transported in youth to Montreal, where he briefly took the same route home from school as Breavman in Cohen’s "The Favourite Game." Since then he’s slept around: Kingston, Syracuse, Toronto, Wuhan, Seoul, Cebu, Athabasca, Kamloops, Al Ain, Doha, Chonan, Jubail. In most of those places, he taught English; having been burned by the fires of the academic inquisition to the third degree. He maintains fiercely that the proper medium of poetry is memory; or at least he thinks he used to think so. This explains everything. Canadian poetry is about the life of everyman. Influences are William Kurelek, Andy Warhol, Blake, Coleridge, Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Al Purdy, Lewis Carroll, Jack Kirby, and Rene Descartes. In most circumstances, he does not speak of himself in the third person.



Lisiez-vous de la poésie quand vous étiez à l'école ? Y a-t-il un poème en particulier dont vous vous souvenez ?

I read hugely in high school. I read everything by Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Robert W. Service, and some Al Purdy. The two poems I found most memorable and important were Dylan Thomas's "Fern Hill," and Yeats's "The Second Coming."

Quand avez-vous commencé à écrire de la poésie ? Et quand avez-vous commencé à vous considérer poète ?

The first poem I recall was when I was age four. It was about being a cowboy. At that time, I thought of myself as a cowboy poet. Now I'm just a cowboy.

Comment voyez-vous le « travail » des poètes ?

A poet is a prophet, and a prophet is someone who tries at all costs to see the truth and say it. Plato to the contrary. Plato was a liar.

Si vous deviez choisir un poème à mémoriser dans notre anthologie, lequel serait-ce ?

Bike-Twister, Dennis Lee


Titre(s) du ou des poème(s)
Memo Re: Writing Memos; The Song of the Paranoid Saint at Queen and Shaw; A Memory of Falling Once in Leaves, etc.
Many Bulls in My China Shop
Maison d'édition
Penguin / Rival
Sous la direction de
Carl Muller
circa 2006
Type de publication
Titre(s) du ou des poème(s)
An Aborigine Thinks of Leaving Home, Advice to Those in Danger of Being Discovered
Vintage '92: Prize-winning Poems from the League of Canadian Poets
Maison d'édition
League of Canadian Poets
Type de publication
Titre(s) du ou des poème(s)
Batoche, Armistice Day
Love Lies Bleeding
Maison d'édition
The Ontario Poetry Society
Sous la direction de
Tom Gannon Hamilton
Type de publication
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